
“How might we have joy in our lives, despite all that we may face? Again from the scriptures: ‘Wherefore, be of good cheer, and do not fear, for I the Lord am with you, and will stand by you.’ ”

Thomas S. Monson

Monday, October 04, 2010

Ocean Paradise

The ocean has this calming effect on my attitude, my physical wellness, and my unvacationed self. I am so glad I was able to go to visit the ocean (however short it was) because it has a healing remedy. Maybe it's the combination of the seasalt in the air or the billion bits of sand on the shore that call to you or the neverending coast line that doesn't seem to end and is beautiful beyond description. We played in the sand, got splashed by unexpected waves while taking pictures, saw dead crabs, starfish, and lots of seaweed, and walked in the drizzle and rain that often times happens with the season this time of year. Even with the rain, Landon and I enjoyed every second the the coast to the point that there were MANY times that I had to drag Landon in to take a nap or because it was getting too cold and rainy. hahaha I love the ocean. I love it.

One of my favorite photos of Landon. It shows his determination to do what he puts his mind to. :) He is an amazing boy who has a kind hard, a pleasing attitude and the best smile that is contagious as all heck. I love him!

This is when it was so windy and he was turning in circles and laughing hysterically. When he turned toward the wind the umbrella would shut. Then he turned away from it and it would flap open and a bout of untamed laughter would erupt. I loved it. Music to my ears and definitely made my heart smile.

We had a blast and Landon was amazingly good. I bought Dominos and am addicted to it. It's a way for me to release my stress while using my puzzle solving skills while trying to kick someone's toosh (not always but I TRY!)! I find it funny because I can watch a movie while playing dominos and snacking on something as well as trying to get Landon to stay in bed after story time and my friend can ONLY play dominos. If he tries to do more than that I think his brain might errupt. I think that's why they call us Mom. :)

1 comment:

Our Journey with Gods Blessings said...

WOW I am so jealous and I won't tell Jeremy! He is begging me to go! Just NO TIME. Football, school, practice, games, work, bills, ect (NO TIME). Hes not happy he misses the OCEAN so much. We always go in August;( When did you sneak away?? Oh it does sound tempting but we need to think about a car for Brit! I love the pictures.... so precious.... I love you both so much! God Speed my beautiful ANGEL...... It's Autumn time (Autumn) my favorite time of the year;)