
“How might we have joy in our lives, despite all that we may face? Again from the scriptures: ‘Wherefore, be of good cheer, and do not fear, for I the Lord am with you, and will stand by you.’ ”

Thomas S. Monson

Thursday, March 26, 2009

More Milestones for Landon

So the other day when I went to get Landon from Daycare, I was told by Andrea (the daycare lady who has a son just a month older than Landon) that he can now say his name... but not just his name! His last name too! He is so Smart! That was a surprise, but what even surprised me more was the fact that I learned he could say all the first and last names of the kids he spends his days with at daycare! There are 5 others! Holy cow! I was a proud beaming mom and couldn't stop smiling and laying on the loves with him!

I also have to tell you about the "morning routine" we have when I drop him off at Daycare. On the way to Daycare, every day, he says, "Uncle's House Mama??" I reply that we are going to Andrea's house. Then when we get there and I get him out of his car seat, he races me to the door and he knocks on it. We walk in and he stands glued to Handy Mandy or whatever show is on. I sign him in, take off his jacket, and then go to leave.
At which time Landon runs after me yelling, "Hug mama!" I turn to give him a hug and kiss and then he turns around and walks over to the kid's table to have breakfast with the other kids. To be honest I love this routine and the routine that he has of running to me when I pick him up and squeezing me so hard it's ridiculous! :) Those are the best kinds of hugs though!

Landon has been doing so well with potty-training.
He hasn't had an accident during the day or night for over a month!He tells me if he has to go poop or pee pee and although he tries to wipe himself, he tends to want to look at what he's wiped onto the toilet paper and the thought makes me gag... so I wipe for him for now. Maybe later he can try if he gets over the curiosity stage...
Kate commented on my last blog about Landon's potty training success and I am thinking about planning a trip down there to see if Korben just needs to see another little kid to find the motivation to use the big boy toilet... but like she said he has a lot going on, so maybe time is just the key there. I truly believe that each little boy just gets to a stage (and it's different with every boy) when they are ready. I would still love to go and visit though! She reminded me that it's been over a year since I've seen them last! I can't believe it's been that long! So a trip is in the works...

I was surprised that this morning Landon woke up even before I did, seeing as he didn't go to sleep until after 10pm! The Mutual night ran late with the talent show and I got visiting with my sister at her house and so by the time we got home it was 10 and Landon was ready for bed (as was I). So we went to bed and my alarm went off at 6:45 which I snoozed for 5 minutes, but when I got out of bed I saw Landon with his eyes open and was surprised!
I told him to try to go back to sleep and got in the shower. When I got out it looked like he was asleep, but just after I started getting ready I heard something and turned to see him with a huge smile on his face and then he made a ROWR sound (Dinosaur) at me and laughed... funny little guy.
He's really into the Dinosaur noises and "getting" mommie with his claws until I end up tickling him and the Dinosaur act is forgotten and replaced with a bout of giggles! :)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I Love My Job! - pretty funny stuff

This is an email I received from a friend that I have thought about the last few days and thought that I would share with you. I have days where I am bored with nothing to do and others when it seems there's not enough time in the day to do what needs to get done. So of course this fits with anyone's job and the pros and cons that come with it, but it made me laugh and am continuing to laugh... my job may stink at times, but I will never have as bad a day as this bloke does! Thank goodness he can make us appreciate our jobs a little more! :)


Rob is a commercial saturation diver for Global Divers in Louisiana . He performs underwater repairs on offshore drilling rigs. Below is an E-mail he sent to his sister. She then sent it to radio station 103.2 FM in Ft. Wayne, Indiana, who was sponsoring a worst job experience contest. Needless to say, she won.

Hi Sue,

Just another note from your bottom-dwelling brother.

Last week I had a bad day at the office. I know you've been feeling down lately at work, so I thought I would share my dilemma with you to make you realize it's not so bad after all.

Before I can tell you what happened to me, I first must bore you with a few technicalities of my job.

As you know, my office lies at the bottom of the sea. I wear a suit to the office. It's a wet suit. This time of year the water is quite cool.

So what we do to keep warm is this: We have a diesel powered industrial water heater. This $20,000 piece of equipment sucks the water out of the sea. It heats it to a delightful temperature.

It then pumps it down to the diver through a garden hose, which is taped to the air hose. Now this sounds like a darn good plan, and I've used it several times with no complaints.

What I do, when I get to the bottom and start working, is take the hose and stuff it down the back of my wet suit. This floods my whole suit with warm water. It's like working in a Jacuzzi.

Everything was going well until all of a sudden, my butt started to itch. So, of course, I scratched it. This only made things worse.. Within a few seconds my butt started to burn .. I pulled the hose out from my back, but the damage was done.. In agony I realized what had happened.

The hot water machine had sucked up a jellyfish and pumped it into my suit. Now, since I don't have any hair on my back, the jellyfish couldn't stick to it. However, the crack of my butt was not as fortunate

When I scratched what I thought was an itch, I was actually grinding the jellyfish into the crack of my butt.

I informed the dive supervisor of my dilemma over the communicator. His instructions were unclear due to the fact that he, along with Five other divers, were all laughing hysterically.

Needless to say I aborted the dive. I was instructed to make three agonizing in-water decompression stops totaling thirty-five minutes before I could reach the surface to begin my chamber dry decompression. When I arrived at the surface, I was wearing nothing but my brass helmet. As I climbed out of the water, the medic, with tears of laughter running down his face, handed me a tube of cream and told me to rub it on my butt as soon as I got in the chamber.

The cream put the fire out, but I couldn't poop for two days because my butt was swollen shut.

So, next time you're having a bad day at work, think about how much worse it would be if you had a jellyfish shoved up your butt.

Now repeat to yourself, 'I love my job, I love my job, I love my job.'

Now whenever you have a bad day, ask yourself, is this a jellyfish bad day?

May you NEVER have a jellyfish bad day!!!!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Weekend Home, Finally....

So this weekend Landon and I finally ended up staying home and enjoying ourselves. We ended up running around doing errands and whatnot, but what weekend isn't full of those tasks in a mom's scheduled day off?

On Thursday or Friday, I helped my roommate, Andrea, load up her bookshelf and some odds and ends. If you haven't known it yet, my good roommate is moving out. I will miss her tons! The late nights and endless chats and reading together... but she'll only be about a mile away so it's not as bad as it seems. I am going to miss having 2 sets of clothes to choose from, her fashion knowledge, and her funny stories that always seem to make me laugh regardless of what mood I'm in, but most of all I'll miss her knowledge. She always brought things to light that I would not have thought of otherwise and I am grateful for that. I will miss you Andrea and I hope that you know you are always welcome to come and have a "sleep over", "movie night", or "shoot the breeze" session whenever you feel like it! :)

So back on track with the weekend...
We went outside on Thursday when I got home and Landon made me a dirt cake which he constantly told me was hot and needed to cool and then I helped him ride up and down the driveway on Linzey's big girl bike (apparently he thinks he's ready for it even though he can't get his little leg over the seat without teetering over...). When I got tired with doing that he moved to his tricycle and started to go up and down with it... funny guy is always on the go and we had beautiful weather which didn't even require a jacket!

When we went out that day I noticed that I have some tulips and flowers already starting to bloom along my walkway! I was so stoked! Landon helped me take some photos of them and I loved to see their colors (yellow and purple so far!) and variety! I love flowers and gardening... it's my meditative activity. I can think about nothing at all while I weed, water, and admire my flowers. Usually it leads to a sunburn on hot days.... but those aren't near yet...

Then I dropped Landon off to my sister's house on Saturday when I went over to curl my friend's daughter's hair for Sadie Hawkins Dance she was going to. That took a couple of hours and then I went to a Twilight Party at Andrea's parent's home and we watched it on the projector downstairs. It was so much fun, Andrea had to leave during part of it to go babysit, but I ran it by to her once we were done (She had just bought it that night!). Her mom was constantly chattering away with questions about everything throughout the entire thing, which was funny. Then I went home, read my book, and crashed.

I got Linzey and Landon dropped off on Sunday morning at 7:45 and we had breakfast, played, and then got ready for church. It looked like a beautiful day outside so I didn't have the kids wear their coats/jackets into the church, but after church got out it was pouring cats and dogs while sometimes alternating to hail and snow chunks! We made it to the car and were soaked and cold when I realized I had lost my cell phone! I went back into the church to look for it, while a kind sister watched my car with the kiddos buckled in. I searched every room I had walked into including the chapel area where we sat for sacrament meeting, but to no avail...

I handed the kids off to Leah, who was at my house, who was heading to a birthday party for Maxum, and went back to the church to search one more time... that was when I caught up with the Bishop LaDow and let him know what happened. Later at the birthday party, I found that Bishop had it in his possession and I was planning on going to their house later that night for a gathering anyways, so lucky me!

That night after the birthday party and dinner... I went to a Priest/Laurel Fireside where we watched a clip of Rachael Esplin, a 20 year old Junior at Harvard who answered questions that were posed to her about being Mormon on a Harvard Religious Board discussing Faith. Her answers were amazing and composed and you followed what she said! I have attached a link to youtube that you can view the first of three parts to... it was amazing! I loved it and am going to get a copy of it! I one day hope to be able to answer questions half as well as she did during this discussion about religion and how eloquently she spoke her beliefs and mind were inspiring! I know you will enjoy it if you watch it and you will be amazed as well!

I went home, wrote in my journal about the Fireside, finished my Anita Stansfield book, and then watched Hope Floats which was soon followed by me dozing off in bed and not quite ready when the sun finally peeked through the blinds in the morning...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

"I List"

The "I" List (I did this backwards, just for fun. Start at the bottom and then move up. It's way better that way.)
I am: so happy with life in general. I am able to have a home that I come home to and feel at peace and sheltered from the world. I have a little boy that I would do anything for to make him smile and happy. And I have loving friends and family that support me and listen to me through my life. I am blessed and am continually amazed that I am just so happy, plain and simple. :)
I think: that regardless of the decisions that people make or the paths they head down, that you can continue to love them for who they are. You shouldn't alienate them from you, but hold them close and pray for them.
I know: I have the best son my Father could give me. I know that my family will stick by me through good and bad and love me regardless of whether they agree or disagree with my choices, they are the best and I couldn't ask for better.
I want: to finally get my tax return so I can have a cushion and pay off all but 1 credit card debt I have as well as get Landon some much needed jeans.
I have: to start planning what I want to plant in my garden and walkway area. I am so excited to have the summer come around because of these things because I hate the heat!
I dislike: people who lie or act like someone they are not and those who betray the trust that was placed in them.
I miss: the companionship of someone and falling asleep cuddled next to them, I miss being loved by someone and loving the real them in return... but hopefully time will bring me the things I miss.
I fear: being unprepared for the second coming. With out food storage and not studied up enough with my scriptures.- this answer was on this when I inputted my own, but it definitely articulates my fear too!
I feel: tired! Landon ate toothpaste yesterday at my sister's house while I was at Mutual and he was up last night for a good portion whining because his belly hurt... I think he won't do that again... hopefully!
I hear: me typing at the keyboard, the heating system blowing warm air here, and cars driving by outside the window.
I smell: my stinky feet (last night, not today) as I took off the ballet-slipper-type shoe I was wearing yesterday that I've had for almost 4 years... I am throwing those shoes away!
I crave: Rolos (chocolate covered carmel candies) and sleep!
I usually: have to have something sweet throughout the day at least once maybe more...
I search: for the generic low priced things in grocery stores, for the person in the room that looks lonely or out of place, and for answers to unanswered questions that only seem to be answered with time.
I wonder: how things work. I walk around throughout my day and constantly am asking myself how MP3players can hold so many songs in these tiny encasing, how digitally amazing the plasma screens are and how they are able to be so thin but show HUGE images, how airbags get triggered to open when in an accident? I also wonder about what ancestors need me to still do their work and when I'll find time to finally get that work underway.
I regret: some things that I put off in my relationship that I should have seen what they really were (reality) rather than the lies I was telling myself.
I love: My family, friends, and my ward in church who uplift me every week! also love bright colors, walking into a house that has some amazing decor, and reading on the grass during the summer with a good book as Landon plays with the water hose.
I care: About my family and friends so much!
I always: am finding things around my house that need to get done. I think I've dusted or vacuumed and the moment I put the cleaning supplies away I will find something I missed or other...
I worry: about the world and people in it are being swayed more and more to the vain and vile things of this life and I worry about Landon and the trials and temptations he will have to go through and overcome. I worry about the economy and whether things will continue to get worse and worse and we find ourselves with a huge percentage of the nation out of work... and I worry about whether I will be single the rest of my life (which I can endure and be happy with, just don't want to have to).
I am not: one who likes to fight or create contention and I am not good with articulating my feelings/thoughts when I have them. Instead I find I need a few minutes or hours to put my thoughts and feelings into words... weird I know, but me.
I remember: that short hair seems to have more time to tame down in the morning, to say my prayers at night, and when I have to give lessons for the MiaMaids (although you can't hold me to the meetings before church!). *wink*
I believe: in the gospel of Jesus Christ, in my Father in Heaven, in the resurrection and eternity. I know that my Redeemer lived and continues to live and that I will return to him one day.
I sing: church songs/primary songs in the shower when I want to lean my head against the wall and still try to sleep. At work I sing along to my play list on myspace all day long when no one is here.
I don't always: eat right, work out often, or rest adequately. I seem to munch when I'm at work and bored, I have Tues/Thurs. set up to work out with a co-worker but find myself canceling time with my sister to do that, and I don't sleep well at night and never have been able to sleep completely through the night without tossing and turning (with the exception of once this year).
I write: in my journal. This is my online life journal, but my deep thinking and really personal things go in my journal at home... I also love to write down recipes and keep them... will they ever be tried out?... who knows, but I have them in case I have time and finances to!
I win: at making people laugh and staying serious during it if I really try. I am able to make people happy when they are having bum days and during those instances I figure I win against the world. :)
I wish: I could not have to stress about finances week to week.
I can usually be found: driving to and from Pasco daily, cleaning the house, talking on my phone or reading a book when I finally get some precious minutes to myself...
I am scared: of having Landon experience some things that I had to while growing up, of something happening to me and Landon going with his father... right now I don't think he can be the kind of dad I know he wants has to be if that happened.
I need: to spend more time on my knees in sincere prayer, not just rushing through the typical things because I need sleep, but praying long and hard.
I forget: to stop and take some time for myself and do things for myself.
I am happy: When I hear my son tell me he loves me, when I hear him laugh in his sleep, and when I feel the Spirit working on me while I am doing something good.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Little Man walking all over my Heart...

I was so surprised a few weeks ago when I told Landon it was time to say a prayer over the food at dinner time and he did and bowed his head, but as I started the prayer I was quietly interrupted.

It seems that Landon wanted to say the prayer... so I sat there quiet (and very much pleased)...

I don't think I could make anything out,
but it touched my heart more than anything has in a while.

I think that as mothers in the church we stand in awe of our little ones when they finally start wanting to communicate to their Heavenly Father on their own. It's something that I have very much hoped for, but didn't know when it would happen or if it would happen. So when it finally did and has continued for almost every prayer since then, I have been silently thanking my Father in Heaven.

It's hard being on your own and not having someone else to bounce parenting ideas or techniques off of while trying to raise a little one of your own in the church and especially in these days. I have worried and worried over the trials Landon will have to face and the many temptations that seems to surround him. But there are some lately that have blind-sided me and caused me some anxiety.

I have recently learned that his dad is now smoking and sometimes drinking. When I dropped Landon off to James, on my birthday weekend, I saw a pack of cigarettes fall out of the car when he was climbing out from buckling Landon in. I happened to ask him if they were his and I think he told me that they were a friend's that had been in his car. I didn't think much about it, but then the thought kept nagging at me. So later that week I called him up and mentioned that I was taking Landon to the doctor for a check-up and wanted to see if I should answer "yes" to the question of people around him smoking. Finally it came out that he was smoking. I know that he smokes in his car (which Landon rides in) but not inside his apartment, thank goodness.

So now I worry about Landon seeing his Dad smoke and growing up to think it's ok to smoke and drink for that matter, even though I am fairly certain that doesn't happen with Landon around. But it still worries me nonetheless. I have found myself praying for him and the life that he's not leading. I am worried about the influence he'll have on Landon if he continues down this road.

I grew up with a father that drank (and drinking is an addiction that he's still fighting today) and that has created a lot of memories I wish I didn't have to have, but have learned to cope with.
I sure hope Landon won't have to go through those experiences either.

Landon has also been helping me with a lot too! He loves to unlock the door. This happens when I put the key into the door and he turns the key and attempts to open the door by himself, but our front door sticks sometimes and so I help. He wants to help me carry in groceries and cook and hang up clothes and whatever it is that I'm doing at the time.

He is really into making farting noises with his mouth now while turning his bum towards you... I sure hope this doesn't last long. He also loves to run around the house butt naked and run from me when I try to wrestle him down to put him into pajamas. Most of the time he dresses himself now and only has a hard time with putting his shoes on without the tounge of the shoe going down into the bottom at his toes. It's hysterical to watch him take off and put on shirts because he has to spin in circles as he's trying to get his arms in or out of his shirts... it makes me laugh every time!

Lately when I put him to bed we read a book together after prayers and then I rock with him for a while. Once it's been a few minutes, asleep or not, I put him in his big boy twin bed and every night even if he's half asleep he'll ask for a book to read. So I put a couple beside him and close the door. He's a sweetheart and loves to give hugs and kisses. I had someone tell me the other day that he pronounces his t's very well. I hadn't noticed that until they said something and since then I have noticed that he does in fact make sure to hit and pronounce every T in he sentence he's trying to get out.

I love him so much and really hope that he can withstand the temptations of this world and come out on the other end. I hope to raise him so that he is close to the church and to his Father in Heaven, has close friends that uplift him and are good, and with a desire to serve others and a mission. How badly I want to see the scripture Proverbs 22:6 come to pass in my life:

"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he shall not depart from it."

I am so proud of Landon and the progress he's made and the huge landmarks he's crossed already. Potty-trained, talking, and praying little guy! Gotta Love Him! He's mine and I am so grateful to be entrusted with him while he's and I are here on this earth, and then even after this world goes by. I'm so thankful for that knowledge of the gospel and the resurrection.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

8 Things!

8' Favorite TV Shows...
1. Jon and Kate Plus 8 (or anything TLC related!)
2. Flip That House
3. Super Nanny (I can use all the help I can muster as a single mom!)
4. not any of those bloody sc fi shows
5. Crocodile Hunter
6. I Love Lucy
7. 7th Heaven
8. The old movies station that has all the favorites... my mom is to thank for that!

'8' Things I Did Yesterday...
1. took Landon to Day Care in Pasco
2. checked the mail for work before coming to work
3. debated with the funeral directors about muffins and sharing... fun times!
4. ran to help my roommate who locked her car keys in the house
5. went back to Pasco to get Landon from Day Care after work
6. got the oil changed in my car on the way home
7. made plans to attend a funeral in Seattle on Saturday and take Landon to his dad and the same time
8. made beef stroganoff for the Mutual event tonight where 3 Young Woman are coming to my house for dinner as missionaries

'8' Things I'm Looking forward to....
1. Tax Return Money!
2. Girls Camp in July where I get to rough it with the Young Women of the Union Ward!
3. Being able to understand Landon when he is trying to give the prayer at night or on food
4. Super Saturday in October for R.S. - love feeling creative and chatting with women!
5. Family Reunion in August sometime... still need to nail that date down though!
6. Taking Landon to the water park 1/2 a mile from our house by the library
7. Planting and Yeilding vegetables and fruit from my garden and my sister's garden
8. Reading completely through the Doctrine and Covenants

'8' Favorite Restaurants...
1. Olive Garden
2. Applebees
3. P.F. Changs
4. Famous Daves
5. Thai place in Seattle a block from my old apartment
6. Aztecas
7. Cheesecake Factory
8. Tony Romas

'8' Things on My Wish List...
1. Make it back to Missouri to visit friends and family as well as go back to Nauvoo
2. Go somewhere out of the country, i.e. England, Mexico, Japan, Italy, Canada even!
3. See Landon grow into an honest and hardworking man and serve a mission for the church
4. See Landon marry in the temple to a wonderful girl
5. To find someone who completes me and is a member of the church to join our family
6. See Landon complete college and do something he's passionate about with his life
7. Own a horse and ride everyday where ever I wanted
8. Spoil my grandkids!

Friday, March 06, 2009

New Moment, New Look

Since 8th grade I haven't done something different to my hair it seems. I had one horror story with dying my hair, but nothing length wise. I have had the same hair style for over a decade I think... long and either up or down while sometimes curling the ends, but most days not caring enough to even do that much work for it. I have always wanted to do something different with my hair and when my friend Cheryl gave me a gift of getting whatever I wanted done with her hairdresser, LuLu, I couldn't resist to do what I've been thinking about for about a decade. Yes I finally had the cajones (balls) to chop my hair off. It's short and cute and I finally have real bangs!

As I was sitting there in the chair making the decision as to what I really wanted to have done, I realized that I have done things with my hair to impress different people in my life and marriage. I have highlighted, dyed, cut, styled, waxed, and the list goes on.... but last night was the first time that I got to do something I wanted because I wanted to. Not because someone I'm trying to impress keeps making hints to me and asking me, but because I am finally at a point that I want to choose something I like and not base it on any one person, but soley my satisfaction. It was exhilerating, liberating and something I think that every woman needs to experience!

I am happy with my hair, but even happier with the newly found moment I had in the hair salon with tin foil in my hair looking like a radio satillite. I am glad for the past because I wouldn't be the person I am without it, I wouldn't have grown from those experiences either, and I wouldn't have my son whom I could never be without. But now I look gratefully at the past, and turn to an even brighter future. I love my life and those who fill it with laughter and love.

Ta-Da! The final product! =) Thanks again Cheryl! You are an amazing friend and sister! Soon you will not have any puppies and finally get that rest you have been craving for weeks now. :) So keep your chin up and count down the week till they are gone!
You will miss them before you know it!

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

MiaMaid Sleep Over... yeah right, NO SLEEP!

Hahaha... so yeah I don't know why they call them sleep overs or slumber parties because there is very little of either one of those things going on! Instead there are prank calls, movies played, forking homes with some TP to finish it off, and of course talking and playing games! It was a weekend of fun and little sleep.

Right now we have - in order of the jail photo - Chelsea Smithee, Ashley Neilsen, Ami Stevens, Kristen Merrill and Sarah Morgan as well as (joined us on Sunday! but not pictured) Hannah Smith! Woot Woot! We are going to be loosing Ashley in just another week or so though which really makes me sad, but she's getting to go to the Laurels so I guess that I can't be too upset, I will still get to see her every Sunday in YW and most Wednesdays for Mutual... just will have to mawl her with hugs when I do! *evil grin*

We will miss you Ashley! You are one special girl who has the heart as big as Texas! Keep on smiling and jamming out to your own tune! hahaha You Rock!

So this was the "doll house" that was there for Brielle (a 2 year old) but while we were there it was used to house 4 grown teenagers! Hence all the giggles and the covering of the face because of embarressment! lol... it was hysterical actually and they didn't have any personal bubbles living in that house which is why it only lasted all of 5 minutes...

Ashley, Autumn and Ami (the 3 Amigos) playing around waiting for the other girls...

This is Ann Gutzman and Me... we are the responsible leaders of the MiaMaids. :)

Sarah is a character who is always pulling faces and doing weird things. In the first photo she was waking up the morning after and grabbed her scarff while trying to gather her things up and started to put it on... when we asked her what she was doing, she paused and then told us she didn't know. We all were rolling at that point, with little sleep and any reason to laugh, we did! We love her and her personality which always spices up the party... wait now that I think about it, there is always a party going on when Sarah's around. She tends to be loud, but makes us all laugh until our bellies hurt, so it makes up for it. :) We love you Sarah Morgan!

The girls messing around during a groupl shot, before the group shot though, Chelsea decided to steal the spotlight... what i love is the look on Ami's face in the backgroud! It looks like she should be in a horror film! hahaha... these girls are the best!

Here are the girls the night before, right after the Juno movie we watched, but skipped through. :) They were doing the song "Too Legit, Too Legit to Quit." It's kinda their song.... don't know why.

During the opening scene to Juno, the girls realized that my name appeared. So we rewinded and I took a photo... I must be famous! lol

This is Chelsea and Sarah trying to do the serious posing profile. But Chelsea couldn't stop laughing and Sarah had it nailed of course. She kept making Chelsea laugh even more though... funny girls!

The girls mauling Ami on the couch.

Chelsea and Kristen making cake batter cookies. They were awesome! Thanks again for introducing them to me this weekend! Now they are my favs!

This would be the work we did the night before to initiate Hannah Smith into our MiaMaids group! We wrote with sidewalk chalk on her driveway too with all our names so she knew who to blame for it. We love her though and were sad she couldn't come and stay the night with us!

On a serious note... These girls are so much more mature and of a higher caliber than I was when I was their age. I am so happy that I am able to be a part of the Young Woman's Program and truly have a testimony of it being divinely created. I love the gospel and the girls in the Union Ward and hope to be able to see them grow and learn things as they grow into adults. They are amazing and truly examples of the rising generation.
Stay close to the Lord girls and you can never faulter.

"Pray always, and I will pour out my Spirit upon you, and great shall be your blessing - yea, even more than if you should obtain treasures of earth..."
- Doctrine and Covenants 19:38

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Potty Training Success Feels So Sweet!

This is Landon dancing a jig and running down the hallway at Grandpa's house in his big boy undies!

I am so proud of Landon for finally potty training himself! It was his Uncle Thomas that started it off after having to change a nasty pooped diaper while I was at Mutual with the Young Women. He told me that I had to start training him and this was about the middle of January! So they kept him for the next couple of days as I was at work and I then worked with him over the weekend and I continued that effort into the weekend. Then we finally let him go to daycare and he only had 1 accident all week! I was so happy! No more diapers was seriously coming into view and the end of the tunnel of this time was almost here... YAY!

This is the trouble with trying to potty train two 2 year olds with only 1 toilet... yeah... I think the photo explains it all! hahaha :P

Now Landon hasn't had an accident during the night in over 2 weeks. He goes on the public potties too! He stands when he's peeing and even does the cutest thing... after he pees he says, "Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle!" so that there's not any drops to go onto his underwear! I thought that touch on Thomas' part was very nice! Not something that I would have thought of! He was also able to have his dad help him with potty training a couple of weeks ago which he loved and I know James enjoyed it too.

I am so proud of you Landon and you are so special. He's the only one in his daycare that doesn't have problems with the potty anymore. He tells you when he has to go and most of the time he does it all by himself. He even knows how to wipe, but doesn't do that great of a job, so I still assist him there. He's just a big kid and I am so overly happy. I feel like the crazy parent that can't stop ranting to everyone about the newest accomplishment of my little one and everyone rolls their eyes and puts on a fake smile when I come in! hahaha In my mind Landon is the most amazing and special little boy ever. I love him so much and love his positive attitude that he has (on most days). :) I am blessed through and through with him!