
“How might we have joy in our lives, despite all that we may face? Again from the scriptures: ‘Wherefore, be of good cheer, and do not fear, for I the Lord am with you, and will stand by you.’ ”

Thomas S. Monson

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

3 Year Olds are So Much Fun

"Mary had a little lamb" turned into the never ending song. lol So many of the songs that Landon and I love the way that he has his own take on them. Sometimes songs get mixed together. :) Here is Landon singing Mary had a Little Lamb before I took him into daycare. He had been singing it or asking me to sing it to him all the way to daycare. So I asked him to sing it to him one more time before we went into the house.

Landon has also shot up like a bean pole! He's getting so big and I really find myself staring at him looking over the counter into the kitchen sink while putting his plate away, brushing his own teeth, and putting on his own seat belt, etc. I find that my baby is turning into my little boy. He can now do most things by himself. And at times I feel useless and at the same time so proud of him for learning so much and wanting to become independent.

Some things that Landon has done is he has learned to do his own seat belt and can sing his entire ABCs and even corrects other kids when they don't sing it right. Some funny and weird things that I find Landon doing is completely undressing to do business in the bathroom, sticking out his tongue when I'm supposed to be getting a kiss, and running on his tip toes at the duck pond because he's worried about stepping on poop. lol He loves his flip flops and tries to wear them everyday. He LOVES to pick up rolly pollies and (don't tell him) but I found a couple rolly pollies in the washer when I was switching laundry last summer. I guess he was trying to keep them, but we talked about keeping the bugs outside so they can go to sleep with their families. :) What a cutie though. He gets very upset if someone steps on these little critters. I love that he has a gentle heart.

Something exciting is that Landon was able to talk to his dad on Easter over Skype! Then again this Saturday. It's so cool to have him see his dad while talking to him and showing him things, singing him things, and being caught picking his nose! hahaha He had fun, but the attention span of a 3 year old is not the best so it was good for about the first 5 minutes then it was a little bit of a fight to keep him in the range of the camera and actually talking to his father instead of talking to the kids running around and the different things going on. Technology is such an awesome blessing in this case! I loved to see it and I know it was good for James to see his son. Landon sang him the ABCs and Mary Had a Little Lamb.

Landon is doing very well and though he's been fighting allergies as we all seem to be, he is growing and still a night owl and NOT a morning person! I guess it was meant to be when both this mom and dad are! lol I love trying to make him wake up with a smile though. Tickle him awake or kiss him until he laughs. Singing annoying morning songs will be waiting for his teenage years! Which is what I was plagued with. :)

I have come to realize lately that he is one child that needs some quality one on one time. Landon gets so funny when I've been gone or busy cleaning or whatever the case is and he sees me. He comes running up and hugs me and then gives me huge bear hugs. I don't think there's anything else as pleasant as that. *sigh and grin* My life is full with him in it.