
“How might we have joy in our lives, despite all that we may face? Again from the scriptures: ‘Wherefore, be of good cheer, and do not fear, for I the Lord am with you, and will stand by you.’ ”

Thomas S. Monson

Friday, May 08, 2009

Treking on...

I know that I've been horrible the last couple of weeks in posting updates, but the truth is that I haven't found much time for anything besides work, church, Mary Kay, and family of course. So the hobby of Blogging has started to be switched to the back burner while I try to become a better mother, daughter of God, business owner, and employee. So I hope you understand and don't become upset. Here are a few highlights of the past 2 weeks:

Sickness: Landon became sick last week on Tuesday, Wednesday and then started getting better on Thursday with the vomit/diarrhea flu. Right when he started to get better I fell sick with it on Wednesday night and after having the same symptoms found myself passed out on the floor, alone, at 3:30am not knowing how I got there. (Note: that night my sister and brother-in-law came over and got Landon because I didn't have the energy to do much of anything and was constantly in the bathroom, so he was fine and in good hands) After finding the energy to get up I realized I had passed out. I remember laying down on the bed because I was getting lightheaded, but must have gotten up and knocked over a lamp and then fell on the ground after I blacked out. I crawled to my bed and called my sister to come take me to the ER. I had been on the toilet and depositing the contents of my stomach into a small empty garbage container which was glued to my stomach until I got to the ER. I near-fainted when they were taking me to the room so I was wheeled into my room in a wheelchair (which is still highly embarrassing... something that didn't even occur after I had Landon). But soon found myself joking with the nurse about not recognizing the doctor's name who was going to be seeing me. Because I work at a funeral home, we work with the doctors at the hospitals to fill out the Cause of Death Worksheets for each of our cases and I hadn't run across a time where I had to work with this Dr. I even made the nurse laugh a couple of times, which told you how even at my lowest, I can still find humor to cheer me up. After an IV 3 shots (1 for nausea and 2 non-vomiting medicine) I was released. Went home and crashed until my sister dropped Landon off before she went to work. Then came pink eye on Friday night into Saturday morning. He woke up Saturday with both eyes matted shut by mucus. I felt horrible for the little guys. His left eye was swollen and red too. I took him in and got drops that we're doing for 7 days, 4 times a day. Now he has a cold... or just a cough and runny nose. The cough becomes HORRIBLE at night though. I have the humidifier running all night long on high right beside his bead and put Vicks on his his chest before he goes to sleep, as well as a dose of Nighttime Cough Medicine before he goes down. It still doesn't seem to help though. I will take him in again in the next couple of days if that doesn't get better. But lets hope that a 4th doctor appointment doesn't happen in this 2 week period.

Mary Kay: I became a new Consultant for the Mary Kay Makeup and Cosmetics Products. I am working toward my first Mary Kay car now!!! I am LOVING the experience this is giving me to meet with amazing women and be recognized for the work and effort I choose to put into my business. I love the product and can't tell you how amazed I am that before Mary Kay I just washed my face with water in the shower and then put baby lotion on compared to now when my face feels and looks so much better and smoother and I do my makeup every day. I love playing with makeup and teaching others how to do their makeup to compliment their face and color. The product speaks for itself. I am glad that I am a part of Noelle Jensen and Tara Nebeker's team. They are amazing women and my role models in this business. One of the best things about this company is that Mary Kay Ash, the founder's policy was always that Family came first, Faith second, and Business third. And it's true and I have seen this policy ring true even with the small amount of time I've been in it.

Changes: I am in the process of making some lifestyle changes. With these changes comes good things, but at the same time sad things that I have to give up. I will write more about this later next week sometime when it's more concrete.

Dating: yeah... not really any changes. I haven't been on a date in a while, but am not overly anxious due to the experiences I've had in this area.... so I'm just happy and busy in life right now.

Friends: How can you not have friends without drama? lol... I have gained some amazing friends and some I would even consider adopted sisters. Cheryl is my friend since soon after moving to the Tri-Cities area and I have come to love her more and more. She is amazing and has such an infectious smile that penetrates my gray days. She gives more of herself than I have seen in a lifetime and is close to the Lord as is her family and husband. Tiffany is my friend from work who is so funny and gives me my "daily scripture" over the phone most every day. She loves to laugh and have fun and we have a lot in common in a lot of areas of our lives.
Sean is my long time friend from junior high in St. Louis, Missouri, who still tollerates my calling at odd hours because I need to know the next happenings of his book or had a funny joke I wanted to tell. He's a great friend and definitely has his hands full of more women than I can keep straight, so it's good to be the one that he doesn't have to stress out about and can talk to about relationship problems. He's the one I call when I need to fume or vent or even when I just want to talk about nothing at all. Sean's the best friend a girl could ask for. Even after a decade of not seeing eachother we still find a way to stay in contact. Noelle is my newest friend and also my Mary Kay Consultant. She serves with me on the Young Woman's Girls Camp Planning Meetings we have and she has such an inviting presence and can make you feel loved, appreciated, and hopeful for the future. She is caring and passionate about the things she loves and the goals she has.

Work: work has been slow! I get a case or two, here or there... but it boils down to sitting at a desk all day imputting information from books into the computer just to windle away the time and I find myself fighting off sleeping by singing to music and walking around the chapel or upper offices.

Family: After 10 years my older sister, April, finally left her husband. This is a HUGE step for her because she has been in an abusive relationship for over a decade and finally had the strength and willpower to leave. I am so proud of her and know that there will be people and family alike out there that will try to put her down and critisize what she is doing, but it is worth it not having to fear when you'll be struck next or when the next "episode" will be. Now you don't have to say you hit your eye while opening the trunk of your car or that you bumped into something. You deserve to be happy April. You deserve to be loved and not hurt. You are a special daughter of our Father in Heaven and he loves you. Grandma is up there cheering you on in your quest to start over on your own and I hope you keep that in mind when things get bad, which they will. You made the right decision and I pray you will stick with it and follow though. You can be happy and healthy and safe! It's possible... maybe not easy with all the drama going on in your life right now, but definitely worth it in the end. I love you April and am here 24/7 as you know. You have lots of friends that will assist and help you with anything that you need. Never forget that.
Then there's my younger sister, Leah... what can I say about her. She is amazing. She has done so much for me that I don't know where to begin to thank her or start paying her back. She loved me even when she hated the decisions I was making. She took me back before a blink of an eye... she is strong, beautiful, loving, and compassionate beyond description. She is a huge model in my life. She has grown into an amazing wife and mother and continues to develop and grow into an even more confident, caring individual. She is "the smartest person I know" (inside joke) and I can't explain how much she means to me and how much I look up to her as a sister and most importantly as a friend. Thank you Leah a thousand times, thank you.

That's the update. I will post again next week. Keep your fingers crossed. =)
Yeah... so that's my life... and I love it.

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