
“How might we have joy in our lives, despite all that we may face? Again from the scriptures: ‘Wherefore, be of good cheer, and do not fear, for I the Lord am with you, and will stand by you.’ ”

Thomas S. Monson

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Life Continues On...

I have recently moved into my sister's house in Pasco. Now a 3 bedroom home holds 5 of us, 3 adults and 2 children. Linzey and Landon share a room and I get my own (which I didn't think would happen again!). This happened due to a number of reason, but in the end it is good for me and my sister's family.

I have started to walk with my sister on a daily basis, either in the mornings or evenings. I prefer the mornings. It helps wake me up. And, believe me, it's nicer in the morning (and quieter) with less traffic (which is nice because I truly roll out of bed to go walking). We have walked up to 4 miles in an hour the first night we went walking... that about did us in. Our legs felt like jello by the end, but since then we've been doing well.

I have joined Mary Kay as a consultant and LOVE the product. Not only do I feel more beautiful (which if you don't know me, this has always been a struggle), but I am able to help others feel beautiful too! I have taught my sister some tips of putting on makeup and have loved every minute of it so far. I can't wait to finally get my Mary Kay Car, which is what I am working for. So watch out world! Here I come with all my makeup to make-over everyone and improve their self-confidence, just as mine has been boosted!

I have also got my computer working again! Whoo hoo! This is a huge thing because all of Landon's baby pictures were on there! I didn't have any up to this point with Landon as a baby unless I had printed them off or put them on my google account. So this is amazing for me and believe me I will be working on burning them all onto CDs to keep them safe and reachable!

I am planning a trip to see a good, dear friend in Tuscan. I haven't been anywhere south of Utah, so I am so stoked to go somewhere that I've not been before, see someone I haven't seen in over a decade, and experience some things I've not experience before. This would include the HOT weather down there, riding a bus as a mode of transportation, and traveling on my own which doesn't scare me or intimidate me at all. I am hoping that this area will be void of cockroaches and that that isn't in the plans of experiencing new things! hahaha I am so excited and can't wait for the chance to finally have it be reality instead of a hope. Plus I am going to be able to see the place where a fictional character, Jadera, is based out of and know that swingset that Julian was killed at! I know you have no idea what I'm saying, but once it's published I will be handing out copies of the book! Then you will understand this. :)

I am continuing to love life and take one day at a time. It's funny how when you're looking forward to something the time seems to barely move, but when you fear some event the times seems to rush by... I hate that in a way. But life is good.

Landon is doing well and enjoying his own bed and getting used to calling Uncle and Auntie's home his own. He knows how to say most of the alphabet and can count to 10 (but always misses the 6!). He is as cute as ever, but very tenderhearted as of late. He continues to be a grouch in the mornings and a owl at nights. That was inherited from his father I assure you.

I still love chocolate (rolos are my favorite now), reading, dancing around, and folding laundry while I sit and visit or watch tv. I weed when I get frustrated and need to release some frustration. I love gardening and seeing the fruits of my labor. I have always felt very close to animals and have been fascinated with their behavior and movements. I could sit there forever and watch an ant, cat, eagle, or zebra (which I have seen just a couple of days ago in Pasco! believe it or not, but I did!). My favorite animal of all is the horse. I think they are beautiful, funny, graceful, and amazing animals that like to rest, play, work, and everything in between. I love riding them, observing, and enjoy them immensely.

Life is full of wonderful joys and I try to find them and enjoy them while they are still there. Lately we've been taking trips with the whole family (Thomas, Leah, Linzey, Landon and I) to look at houses and different parks and as we have started this we have also seen 2 deer (buck and doe), a skunk, ducks, geese, and a zebra. It's fun for the kids and us and makes for great family bonding and enjoying of one another's company. I also have become addicted to the Jack in the Box Smoothie which is HECKA EXPENSIVE, but oh so good. ;)

I have come up with a recent discovery... pickles keep me up at night if I eat them too late. Yep... I know... dumb thing, but maybe it'll help those of you that haven't figured out what the heck it is that is keeping you up. The last 2 nights I have had pickles right before I go to bed or soon before, and I toss and turn, restless all night. It drives me nuts! Especially when I am getting up to go walking in the morning and NEED sleep! :)

That's the update for now... tune in till next time.

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