At this point Landon started to cry so to try to calm him down and show him it was okay to ride in the cow train... I just jumped in behind him!
I love this shot because you can see how dark it's getting, but also because of the sunset behind us. It was the Farmer as the driver, Brielle, Landon, Me, and then Shay.
Afterwards I wanted to get a picture with Landon and the Farmer who was really friendly and nice to the kids, but Landon was terrified of him. You can clearly tell what he was thinking in his face.
Then we headed over to the petting zoo. Landon didn't really want to get close to any of the animals. I think he was a little skeptical even after I showed him it didn't hurt to pet the calf.
There was this HUGE pig, named Bubba! He was bigger than me if he stood on two legs! I couldn't believe how big this pig was... I was scared of this animal... I don't know what Brielle thought as she was going up to it. It did have a big sign that said, "Don't put your fingers in the cage!" Apparently Bubba isn't very friendly. He looked like he had the mouth of a warthog...
Me and Landon next to the pigs!
This was the duck races where you pump the water down the thing and sees whose duck makes it down first. Landon loved this! Both of the kids started throwing fits when we had to leave because they loved it and it was getting dark and there was so much more to do!
Landon trying to pump the water by himself!
Andrea and Shay racing ducks while the kids look on.
Landon loved this... can you tell?
Me trying to help Landon with the pumping thing... it didn't work out too well.. our duck got stuck a few feet down the thing.
Me trying to help Landon with the pumping thing... it didn't work out too well.. our duck got stuck a few feet down the thing.
This is Shay, Landon, and Brielle in the little face thing as Sunflowers... it was cute. Landon kept trying to put his arm through it rather than his face.
There was this HUGE pyramid of big haybales. Landon and I climbed it and Landon didn't want to get down. It's hard to see us... wonderful camera couldn't see very clearly right then.
After the pyramid, Landon decided to say hello to a random goat on a picnic table. He got up and was trying to feed it some oats on the table... but right after this picture was taken he shot his hand back like the goat was going to eat it. It was cute.
Landon looking at the huge pyramid when Andrea and Brielle were at the top.
Landon is really into tractors and trains right now. We have this tractor and train book and he wants to read it everynight. So I thought this was a great time to get a picture with Landon and a tractor. Look how small he is compared to it.
There was a scarecrow measuring thing there. It was cute, but he wouldnt' sit still long enough to have me take a really decent photo... so this is what I got.
There was a stuffed bear there and Brielle didn't like it at all.. The first time she saw it, she started to screaming and had the look of terror on her face... Andrea thought it was so funny that she wanted to get a picture of her reaction... so this was the second take of it.
Another random billy goat on the weighing table for the pumpkins while we were waiting for the food.
There was the kid's haybale maze where they only had one haybale high... Landon loved this and so did Brielle. It was freezing there that night... Landon's hands were ice cold... I felt really bad. He sure did love this maze though. I kept running away or towards him and he would laugh and laugh.
Landon and I
There were these Massive Swimming Pools that were filled with corn that the kids could play in. Landon loved those too... but not as much as Brielle.
Landon and I - Andrea and Brielle
All throughout the place there were tricycles. Landon had to try each and every one of them out.
Finally we went to look for pumpkins.
Landon tried to carry ours.. it was a little too heavy for him. :)
This was Landon's little pumpkin that he picked out in the pumpkin patch.
On the way out of the pumpkin patch/corn maze, there was this little billy goat laying curled up next to a lady... so the kids pet it before we left.
This is what the corn maze looked like... and even though we didn't go in it because Andrea doesn't like corn mazes at all... I wanted to get a picture of it. It had the donkey and elephant for the election year. Very cool!
Landon wanted me to put him in the wheelbarrow just after we got done petting the billy goat... so I did...
Then Brielle wanted in....
Here are the kids with their pumpkins and my big pumpkin in the wheelbarrow.
Here are the kids with their pumpkins and my big pumpkin in the wheelbarrow.
All in all the day went great. It was definately busy and rushed... but maybe next time we will plan this a little better and have to do it on the weekend when we won't have to rush rush rush the entire time.
This looks like it was one fun time of play with that adorable little boy. I say again--cover him with kisses from his grandma.
That place looks really fun. I love all the creative things that the farmers come up with for the Halloween season. I agree that it would be fun to get together for another Halloween year maybe. :)
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