
“How might we have joy in our lives, despite all that we may face? Again from the scriptures: ‘Wherefore, be of good cheer, and do not fear, for I the Lord am with you, and will stand by you.’ ”

Thomas S. Monson

Friday, November 28, 2008

5 Things....

5 things I was doing 5 years ago
1. Getting excited about finishing my first semester of college at BYU-Idaho
2. Serving as the R.S. Secretary in our college ward
3. Laughing at my FHE brothers
4. Stressing out over homework and projects
5. Struggling financially to pay for bills and groceries... although that hasn't changed at all!

5 Things on my to do list for today.
1. Get to work on time
2. Before going to work, drop off the Jello Salad I made for Leah at her work
3. Check my email to see if anyone has responded to my items posted on Craigs list
4. Go to Leah's and help her around her house
5. Rent and watch a movie by myself tonight after Landon goes to sleep

5 things I would do with a million dollars
1. Pay off debt!
2. Travel with my family to far away places
3. Pay for Landon's schooling and extra sports and activites
4. Give some to charities
5. Buy a medium sized house and have a couple of horses in a barn out in back of the house to ride when I would like (everyday!)

5 Places I have lived
1. Quincy, Washington
2. Troy, Missouri
3. St. Louis, Missouri
4. Some other small town in the St. Louis area that I can't think of, Missouri
5. Rexburg, Idaho

5 jobs I have held
1. Veterinary Assistant
2. Assistant Human Resource Manager
3. Dishwasher
4. Book Store Cashier/Customer Service
5. Building Cleaner

5 People I tag - Trista, Alanna, Cheryl, Andrea, and any one else who hasn't completed this one

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