Below would be the most amazing woman, Laura Francis, who blows my mind with how uninhibited she is by pressures in her life. She is also a single mom and has been doing Mary Kay a little longer than I have. She is the BOMB! Laura is a lot like me as we both burst out into song at random moments, love to laugh, and LOVE to have fun no matter where we are. On this trip Laura and I were NOT allowed to be in the same car together because the other car would most definitely fall asleep. So we were split the entire way there. :( But we got to get out and mingle at pit-stops and gas stations which was always enjoyable. Oh! And the one doing the peace out sign in the background is Cherrie! She is phenomenal! She is 20 years old and down at Summit she was THE #1 Queen of Sales which means she sold the most in our national area. She rocks too and definitely has it going on. Fun loving and quirky, she is a natural fit into our craziness. :)

These are all the ladies that carpooled down with us in our two vehicles. Mind you there were other car pools going on down, but this was ours. :) From Left to Right: Jessica, Laura, Cherri, and AnnMarie with me being a dork. :) I totally have to tell you that it wasn't until my 2nd 16 oz. Slurpee that I was told that those were NOT smoothies with fruit in them like I thought they were, they are pretty much sugar, ice shavings, and artificial flavoring. Yeah... I was flying on a sugar high the entire way down there. And then was completely turned off to Slurpee because I didn't know that it was pretty much sugar. And could see it sticking to my stomach and thighs. :)

I didn't know that Utah had another temple till Angie suggested we go see it. It's what my mom and her sisters did too! So we went and took TONS of pictures while enjoying and soaking in the beauty of the temple area. The day was brisk, a little breezy, but perfect otherwise. The Draper Temple is amazing and I loved the feeling that you get when you're on the temple grounds.

Then we went to view the spot where you can see all 5 temples in the same spot. Of course it was on the side of one of the mountains above the Draper Temple, but it was so much fun. This is me taking in the awesome view. We had so much fun this day. It was beautiful and sunny! But on the way home Angie told me that she wasn't feeling so hot. You see 2 of the neighbors in her neighborhood had gotten swine flu that week.... the one she is closest to because their kids are inseparable had just gotten her 1 year old son confirmed with swine flu the first night I stayed there. So when Angie told me this I realized that we had both been hiding the fact and ignoring not feeling well and had pushed ourselves because the other was there and acting too. So we went back to the house to drop kids off and head to the doctor's office to get tested for swine flu.

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