
“How might we have joy in our lives, despite all that we may face? Again from the scriptures: ‘Wherefore, be of good cheer, and do not fear, for I the Lord am with you, and will stand by you.’ ”

Thomas S. Monson

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Union Ward Chili Contest

Our Union Ward, in the Kennewick East Stake, had their annual Chili Contest where the women and men in the ward cook their best chili and the judges try them all. It was so much fun and we had a good turn out. I ended up grabbing the camera while running out the door and I'm glad that I did. There were some great pictures taken.

Unfortunately I didn't realize until after the cooking of my chili that my recipe was actually a baked bean recipe. Yeah... I'm so smart and intellegent! I was raving about my reciepe and then that happened... definately humbled. :) That was one of my very bad blonde moments.

This should tell you how amazingly fun this night was!

There were two really long tables full of chili bowls, rolls, and baked potatoes with toppings... it was SOOOOO good. I really like the spicy chili made by Molly. It was delicious and warmed you from the inside out.

These three were the Judges of the Chili Contest! It was very good. During the night, Bishop LaDow (in the middle) had to start fanning himself... I think he tasted Molly's chili and wasn't expecting the intense heat! It was so funny. His face was really red and it looked like he needed an entire jug of ice water to recover from it.

Here were the winners of the night! We each were knighted with the spatula and our own winning category. Cheese! Can you see that the McMann baby right behind me has a good grip on my hair. It was funny trying to stand up and walk away....

Here are some photos of the families and friends that came for the Chili Feed.

Andrea Smithee and Sister

Molly and her daughter, Kate.

I love this photo of Aaron Mackey in his pajamas. He is a very sweet and adorable little boy.

Me! Andrea and Brielle Smithee.

Brother and Sister Noble! She is the most amazing Relief Society President! I love her!

This is Brother and Sister Marrott. Brother Marrott is the 1st Counselor in the Bishopric and Sister Marrott is an AMAZING teacher in Relief Society. I always take so many notes during her lessons.

This was Andrea holding Serah (new baby in the ward who is so sweet and who is never held at the church by her mom because we are constantly begging to hold her) with Brielle trying to pick up and hold Serah by herself! It was funny.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Quincy and Family Time

So a couple of weekends ago I went back to my hometown, Quincy. I love the farm community and everyone knowing everyone else. It is so much fun to go to church and see everyone I know around me. This is the place I grew up and loved... but I am not going to move back to Quincy. My older sisters, Misty, Jenny, and April live in Quincy with my Mom, Therese. I took TONS of photos because we usually don't have all of us together except for special occasions and this was one of them... my mother's birthday and Sam's birthday (my brother-in-law).

And just so I don't have to let you know who my sisters are and what line up we are all in... it goes (oldest to youngest): Misty (David) Gottschalk and their kids, Jonathan, Abby, and Corey; Jenny (Sam) Gonzalez and their kids, Sammy, Samantha, and Nicolas; April (Bubby) O'Neel; Me and Landon; and Leah (Thomas) Linton with Linzey.

This is Jenny and her birthday boy. Sam can never just smile in the pictures... he always has to be pulling a face of some kind... this was the most decent picture out of the 5 I took of the two of them.

Landon ADORES my mom. When he gets hurt or is sick he will constantly be wanting NaNa. He loves her to death and the other way around. When I go over to Quincy, Mom usually lays down with Landon for naps and bedtime... something I don't do except on occasion. Landon loves it though.

This is a picture of Thomas' brother and family. I hadn't seen them since just after Sara had had Aaden. So I snapped a picture as they were dropping Aaden off for the birthday party.

Linzey is making grass soup. Landon is helping by going and getting leaves off the trees and putting them in the soup. It was fun to watch and they were having a blast "cooking."

This is Leah, and her mother-in-law, Carlotta. Carlotta knew my parents for years before Leah and Thomas met. We were glad to see her.

Sam was really making my mom nervous with the cake. It seems we can never go through a birthday party or any family gathering without a food fight. So hence the reason why my mom is cringing and Sam has the mysteriously mischievous look on his face. :)

This is all the Sawyer girls. From oldest on the left to youngest on the right. Misty, Jenny, April, Autumn, and Leah.

I don't know what we were doing now... but as you can tell we were having fun!

Leah and Aaden... such a cutie who is hooked on anything with wheels as you can tell. He has 2 cars in one had and then one more in the other and Leah is still having to hold some for him.

This was so stinkin' cute and I wish I would have gotten out there just 10 seconds earlier. It was Landon, Aaden, and Linzey were all sitting on an ice chest and looking at the two older kids throwing the ball back and forth across my mom's back yard. It was so cute.. but just when I got the camera out... they all turned... oh well... still cute, right?

Landon and I, glaring into the sunset!

The reason Landon is smiling so wide is because he was hitting my sister who was taking the pictures with the balloon he has behind his head. This was him winding up for the pow-pow about to happen... it was so funny to hear him giggle so hard over it.

This is 3 generations of Gonzalezes. Samuel, Samuel, and Samuel Gonzalez... pretty cool picture I think. Yes... Grandpa Sam has pink in his hair that the girls sprayed into almost everyone's hair, including his earlier in the day... it washed out the next morning though.

Leah and I in the backyard at mom's house.

Misty and David. My mom doesn't have a picture of them together since their wedding YEARS ago... so I thought I would take the opportunity. Next time I go down... we are going out just the 3 of us and having a little photo shoot to get some really good pictures of them together in the beautiful farm area around their house.

This is a picture of all 5 of us girls laying on the grass... I thought it would be cute... but someone kept throwing leaves on us... so this is the only half-decent picture, plus it was FREEZING!

Landon and I stayed at my sister, Misty's house and she has so many animals... It was like going to a petting zoo... which we are going to be doing on Monday at the Pumpkin Patch. This is us with the rabbit.

Landon is giving the rabbit kisses.

Landon out chasing the goats... or actually the goats/sheep were chasing him. He was scared of them. My sister, Misty, went out and held them, but he wouldn't go to them. It was kinda funny.

He liked it when they ran away.

This is my Dad and Ruth's new house they just purchased a couple weeks ago and were moving into. On the way home from Quincy we stopped by to check out their new place and say hi. It was fun to see them.

Leah, Linzey, Dad and Ruth.

I thought this was a really good picture of Leah and my Dad.

Landon was so tired on the way to Dad's house and he's so adorable when he falls asleep in his car seat. I love it!

So that was the Quincy Trip for my Mom and Sam's Birthday Party. I was glad that I went... got little sleep, but enjoyed it nonetheless. I love my family and they have stood beside me through thick and thin. We are very blessed to have everyone healthy right now. Our Heavenly Father has definitely blessed us.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Dressing up Early for Halloween!

So we ended up putting on the kid's costumes for halloween early. The reason was because Brielle was terrified of her dinosaur costume and so I had Landon put it on (which he was more than willing to do) to let Brielle see that it was okay. Landon didn't want to take it off... he was having so much fun ROARING! at everyone and everything. He was just running around about a hundred miles per hour in the house clawing at things and making very scary unheard-of noises. It was so much fun!

Brielle giving Landon a hug after she calmed down from freaking out because Landon was in the dinosaur costume.

Then after Brielle started to see that Landon wasn't in pain from putting it on she was open to the idea and Landon went into his REAL costume for his halloween! A knight! He's my knight in shining armor! lol... I crack myself up so easily!

He is so stinkin cute!

Then before we put the kids down for bed... they discovered that they could hit me with the sword and I'd do exhaggerated things to make them laugh... they both were laughing so hard and took turns hitting me with the foam sword... so this was the result... I'm dead...

But you have to know that the fun wouldn't stop there if I had anything to say about it. I coerced my roommate into dressing up with me into our kid's costumes and then we had a whole lot of fun after the kids went to sleep... these are some of the shots we got. It's like we are kids again... oh and if you're wondering... yes that is the same costume that Landon wore in the pictures above.


Below are just a few of the things caught with the camera. We were having a blast so late at night, things that weren't normally funny were hysterical...

Our Samuri Moves!

Look at this amazingly sturdy sword... it's only $2.00 at Wal-Mart...

Andrea: You wanna mess with me???? Pain... lots and lots of Pain!

But all fun has to come to an end... the sword broke and right afterwards, Andrea peed her pants because she and I were laughing so hard after this picture...

The perfect ending to a Perfect Sunday... going to church... the photos in the fall scenery... dressing the kids up... dressing up ourselves... and then laughing so hard we have tears streaming down our face.

Who could ask for more?