I was trying to think of activities we could do together while we were here and one was most definitely feeding the ducks at the Columbia Park along the Columbia River. When we went to WinCo to pick up bread, Sean's eyes popped when I grabbed two full loafs. Then they popped even more when we arrived at the park and saw all the birds that were there. There were just a few people there feeding the ducks when we arrived, but it was crowded when we finally ran out of bread (10 minutes). Sean found that he loved to throw an entire slice into the water without ripping it up into small pieces and watch the frenzy that happened as a result. It was fun to see him laugh as he watched the birds which included swans, ducks, geese, and lots of seagulls!

We had a fun time catching up and hanging out. Sean and I are good friends and it's been so nice to get to spend some time with him. We enjoyed going places together and going on double dates with my roommate and her boyfriend. On my birthday we went out to Olive Garden and then went and saw the movie, Avatar! Wow... if you haven't seen this movie I suggest you get up off your tush and go buy a ticket! It's SOOO worth it! I laughed and cried and kicked the seat in front of me. You walk out of that movie with so much more than you walked in with. For me it just emphasized the way we need to care for our world and know that's its the only world we have. Plus to treat others with respect and watch my greed and teach Landon to respect the things he has and those around him.

Then there were the falls as always. It always leaves me in a sense of awe of how beautiful the Lord's creations are and how blessed we are to be able to witness and experience some of them.

I loved this picture I took of the lower falls draining into a stream from the large and famous falls. Just loved the look of it. Thought of blowing it up and putting it on canvas so that I can have something relaxing right above my bed or in my room to look at when I can't leave. Peaceful and beautiful.

This was us meeting Simone from Epica. Sean has had a crush on Simone for a LONG time. hehehe and was sooo nervous to finally get to meet her in person. It was such a fun night and they played my favorite song "Sancta Terra" which I loved. I couldn't get over how beautiful Simone was with her blazing red hair and beautiful vocals. I'm just glad she shares her talent with all us car-rocking and head bopping dorks.

These are some VERY cute pictures of Landon that I took on our way to Portland to drop Sean off at the airport. I looked back and I saw Landon reading his My First Book of Mormon board book and smiled.

I love my son. He is amazing and I can't imagine my life without him. I love his smiles, his heart, his laugh, and his hugs and kisses. He has such a tender heart and loves to make good choices. He plays well with everyone and does what he's told most of the time. He is very good at hugging people goodbye and helping mom carry things in from the car. He LOVES playing games and wrestling around with me. I love him so much and am so grateful for him. These pictures endear me to him even more.