The Oregon Coast... ahhh... nothing is like it.
It captivates you by doing nothing extraordinary than what it does day in and day out... but it's the other things that gets to you. The smell of the saltwater, the ocean lapping at your feet, the call of gulls around you, the crashing of the waves, the sand beneath your feet, and most important this trip was the sun beating down on you... warming you. It's amazing and I love the ocean. I love being able to relax and getting away from all the hussle and bussle of the normal day. I love being able to not have any plans making your day full of things to get checked off... instead you are able to do what you want, when you want, and if something doesn't go as planned, it doesn't matter. :)

Yep! You guessed it! NAP TIME! :) I told him he couldn't have the camera anymore and then he plopped himself down just like this and stayed there for over 5 minutes till I went and picked him up. If this wasn't a sign that a nap was in order, I don't know what would have been... but before we could leave we were rolling with laughter at what happened below in the photos.
I had been watching this older couple walking along the beach together (because I've always wanted to grow old with someone and love seeing proof of two people being able to tolerate one another their whole lives to walk hand in hand, wrinkled and old *sigh*) and as they were walking the man stops and because the woman was looking down, she didn't notice he'd stopped till about 15 feet ahead... where she turned around and went back... by that time she'd noticed what had stopped her husband in the middle of their coasting on the beach... a scantily clad couple (woman specifically) had decided to strip down and enjoy the ocean as it should be enjoyed during the summer... o_O but the water was FREEZING and so I found myself staring too and watching the couple of course.

Instead of walking up to him and whacking him while telling him to stop eying the girl, she totally surprised me by standing by his side and staring too! hahaha... it had Sean and I laughing heartily!

He is my best friend. He knows everything about me... and the only thing that isn't in favor of us being in a relationship is he is not LDS. So we remain friends. And after a decade of not seeing one another, we decided to meet. I was planning a trip to the Oregon Coast, and when I told him and he said he wanted to come, we made the plans! He flew into Spokane and I picked him up, drove him to Quincy to see my family there, then onto Tri-Cities to have dinner with the other half of my family. It was a good (and long) day. We both crashed that night and then headed for the coast the following morning. We stayed 2 nights in Seaside and LOVED the weather we had! Last time I had gone to the Oregon Coast, Tiff and I were met with a blanket of thick fog and drizzly weather... not the makings for a gorgeous time at the beach! But we were in luck because the weather was perfect!

Landon was crazy when I took him to wade in the water. He kept stomping and getting my rolled-up jeans wet! Ugh... but the smile on his face and the twinkle in his eye soon smoothed over any irritation I felt. He's doll and I love him so much. I am so happy that he was able to have so much fun on the beach and enjoy the time together.

Landon serving me his special dinner of toasted football served on cheese and season mixture presented on a rare, vintage shovel! Om nom nom...

This is the sunsets we found ourselves enjoying. hmm... I miss it already!

Whenever I go anywhere I always take all the pictures and because I take those pictures, I am never in them and I don't get to have some of Landon and I interacting.... luckily Sean took the initiative to grab the camera an start taking shots. So I have him to thank for these awesome pictures.

But then I took over again and found that this was my favorite picture of the trip. I love it.

And you can't go without the self-portraits... those are a staple! :)

The trip was so much fun! Landon was very well behaved, which I was worried about coming back from his dad's just 2 nights before, but except for the tantrum in the sand... he did amazing. Sean and I were able to catch up and realize that we really do enjoy one anothers company and both have a love for the ocean... even though Sean thought I was crazy for wading in it... he followed my lead finally and got the full experience of the ocean by standing in it with his bare feet. :)
I miss my friend already and wanted to thank him for flying over to see me even after all this time.