While in the Young Womens we do many activities and one week was Dodgeball with Devotional between the rounds of dodging and throwing of the balls. It was better than contact sports of any kind... (unless you're talking about Powder Puff football back in High School and then THAT was much more fun!).
Pic #1: Here is Sister LaDow, Brother Marrott, and Bishop LaDow.
Pic #2: Sara is giving a devo between matches.
Pic #3: Pam Nielson with Mikey and Ashley giving the thumbs up!
Pic#1: Layna Smith, Morgan Russell, Stefanie Dickman, Pam Nielsen.
Pic #2: Sara Morgan, Kristen Merrell, Hannah Smith, with Chelsea Smithee in front.
It was so much fun except I think that the boys were throwing pretty hard at the girls and that irked me some... but everyone had fun and there was no lack of smiles there. :) I of course didn't want to get a concussion and so I sat on the stage with the other leaders and watched, took photos, and called people out that were making head shots or trying to stay in while they were obviously out! Here are some photos of the youth in our ward... I have many more, but these are the highlights.
Pic #1: Emily Longaker, Rachel Watson, Ami Stephens, and Ashley Nielsen.
Pic #2: Me and Mikey Nelson.
Pic #2: Morgan Russell showing off the Official Confederation of Dodgeball Ball we had. :)
We have also just went to the dollar store and I didn't think that going to the dollar store with four girls was going to be anything out of the ordinary.... boy was I wrong! :) You could always tell where they were in the store and it was hysterical the different things they were doing with the different items and things in the store. Then we went out to get pizza at Little Cesears and of course they were the "welcoming commity" to people who came in after us and were loud and so freakin' funny! I love the girls! They are great and I can't but help to laugh when I'm around them! This next Wednesday we are tie-dying shirts and the girls are going to wear them later on and at girls camp! I am so excited! Never a boring day in the Young Womens!
Bunko is also a thing that I have really come to enjoy. I have only attended twice, and one of those was hosted at my house. That night Landon was up the entire night and I didn't get to enjoy the night as much as I would have liked to. It was extremely stressful and resulted in very grumpy Sunday the next day at church for Landon and myself. But it was fun when I look back at it. This last Bunko was at a gorgeous house and I was going just to enjoy the chats that happen there, but was pulled into play the fun game and thoroughly enjoyed myself. To be able to talk with mothers, sister, daughters, and fellow sisters in the church is a joy and one that I don't get to indulge in as much as I would like. Thank goodness for Bunko nights and I am definitely a hooked fan now. I love being able to talk to each of the ladies there and enjoy learning more about them as well as getting some feedback about problems I need help with parenting and dating and such. I always walk away feeling lighter and well-fed when I leave Bunko. :)

I also have been hooked on a novel that a friend of mine is in the process of writing and think that it is quite honestly better than Twillight which is saying a lot because I loved Twillight. This is just so new and not the typical type of book that I read, that I am captivated, intrigued, and on the edge of my seat most of the time I'm reading it. I think it is more in the sci-fi, fiction novels, but I haven't read any of those yet, so I'm not sure... anyways... it's just dang interesting and I can't keep my hands, ears, or mind off it. When I'm not able to read this new novel, I am re-reading Twillight to be able to watch the movie a second time right after reading, which is what I wanted to do the first time, but it didn't happen that way.
I went to the movie "Bride Wars" and found it humorous and when I walked away I definitely thought about my best friend. But for the most part I was disappointed with it and the previews pretty much showed you the most funny parts of the entire movie... so it was ok... but not great. This was the second movie I've gone to by myself I have really enjoyed it. It's not humiliating or nerve-racking. Instead I feel independent and empowered. I like it and am looking forward to the upcoming "dates" with myself, my popcorn and water. :)
I am going to see Twilight again tonight with a friend and am looking forward to having reread the first book. Now I am reading the second book, New Moon, to my roommate, Andrea. We have been reading together when we get the kiddos to bed at night and have stayed up till 1am doing so at times! I know we are crazy but I finally have her hooked and am so happy about that. Now we are both obviously gobbling up the book and it's plot, characters, and events. It's fun to hear what she thinks will be happening because she's never read them and has only seen the first movie and was hooked soon after! :P
Landon and I have been having fun and finally was able to venture outdoors this last Saturday. It was a good day with just a little rain and so I am thankful for the weather holding out so we could enjoy it and get some yard work done that the kids helped with (taking twigs to the garbage can and picking up leaves).
Landon was sick this week. I had to miss two days of work because he was running a 102 degree fever one day and part fever/part cold the next with a horrible cough. So yeah... this week hasn't been the best one yet, but the thing that bugs me the most is that he acts just fine when he's sick with a fever and cold! He's still running around making gun noises and racing his firetruck along! And I wonder why the doctor looks at me like I'm crazy sometimes!
This last Sunday was the first Sunday we had of the new 1pm time of our ward. Landon didn't like this and I didn't either... but hopefully things will change and become better. Landon woke up at 9:30 and didn't take an nap before we went to church. I forgot to put the granola bar that I had on the counter in the toy bag and so Landon was a little more vocal during the sacrament time because of this mistake and overlook on my part. Then once church was over it was 4pm! So we stayed up and after a rocky start, he perked up and had fun helping me cook, play with the bubbles in the bath, jump on his bed, and climbed on mom while saying, "Run, mama, Run!" lol...
*Just a side note! I finally got my first ticket, but it's stupid because it was a Parking Ticket and I got it while parking the wrong way on the street in front of my sister's house before church as I was picking up Landon and ended up watching Horton Hears a Who with them! I couldn't believe it! First ticket ever! You don't know how often I have parked that way and never been sited, or heard of anyone else getting a ticket! And did they come up to the door and let me know what I had done wrong and ask me to correct it... of course NOT! Man I'm upset because of this! Oh well, I guess this happened to help humble me a little and put me back in my place...